1. A different approach to solving world problems
2. Environmentalist vs "environmentalist"
The wheaton Eco-poser test
3. The wicked lies about light bulbs
Free light bulbs! love and kisses form China!
Legally pump stimulants into your employees all day with blue light!
The cartel that rigged the light bulb game
It says "eco" on the label - They forgot to mention "Carcinogenic"
Big energy savings! (except in cold climates)
The ultimate example of greenwashing
Part 2: General strategies
8. Moving way beyond recycling
Recycling 2.0,3.0,4.0, and 5.0
10. Radically deviant financial strategies
The story of Gert: a millionaire life without a million dollars
Owning a home without grovelling to a bank
Give a gift to your future self with passive income streams
A clever recipe for more luxuriant living at half the cost
A few experiments being conducted on human beings
12. Vegan vs omnivore vs junk food
VORP - expanding our vocabulary to value garden food over Diet Cola
When a vegan diet has a lower carbon footprint, and when it doesn't
GAT: government-mandated acceptable levels of toxicity
Part 3: Within the walls of your home
13. REALLY reducing home energy usage
63% of home energy use i a cold climate is heat
How I cut 87% off my electric heat bill and stayed toasty warm
The new wood heat: smokeless and one tenth the wood
19% of home energy use is hot water
Making your hot water tank more efficient
Saving hot water without suffering another cold shower
5% of home energy use is lighting
3% of home energy use is laundry
The physical energy footprint per adult
14. More people living under one roof without stabbing each other
The knives are in the kitchen
15. Toxic gick vs 20 years of your life
A better cleaning strategy than replacing dirt with poison
Cast iron can be nonstick; teflon is always poison
Part 4: More than half of each footprint can be resolved in a backyard
16. The huge link between food and global footprints (vegans too!)
17. Double the food with one tenth of the effort
Transplanting? that's unnecessary work!
Prepping the soil to not need prepping
Planting once and harventing for years
Mulching 2.0: being naked is no longer required!
3D gardening - big berms bring big benefits
How trees nurture gardens, cool your home, heat your home, and save the world
Replacing fertilizer with polyculture
Monocrops need pest control; nature doesn't
18. The dark side of native plant enthusiasm
Past invasives are now " native." When will current invasives become "Native"?
The shifting definitions of "Noxious weeds"
Lipstick on a pig: native plant organizations and herbicide companies
Myths: Native plants will perform better in your area
Native-plant enthusiasts eat only native crops. right?
One person managing 20,000 acres vs one person managing 10 acres
Pow wow grounds in Elmo, Montana
19. 20 things to do with the twigs that fall in your yard
21. Better than solar panels: a solar food dehydrator
My quick tips for making a "down draft" solar food dehydrator
A natural recipe for solar dehydrator "Black"
A few things you can do with a solar dehydrator
22. Breaking the toxic water cycle with greywater recycling
A quickie greywater system
Building a simple greywater system
Cold climate greywater systems
Becoming a certified environmentalist
23. Harvesting electricity in your backyard
24. The conventional lawn vs a mowable meadow
Battle for the sun deathmatch! rig the game for grass!
Tough training leads to strong grasses with deep, resilient roots!
Deep, rich, magnificent soil vs this, pathetic dirt
Free fertilizers stomp the poopies out of the commercial offerings
Long-term soil vs short-term fertilizer
Bringing in the REAL professionals (Hint: they don't wear clothes)
Part 5: Counter the footprint of 20 people on a homestead
25. How vegans benefit from caring for cattle, chickens, hogs, etc.
Contemplations in pampering an animal
How to get five times more garden growth by gardening with animals
Building your soul with a plethora of life instead of zappity zap zap
If it smells bad, you're doing it wrong: never mucking out a shelter again
The very best predator control is not a fence
26. Replacing petroleum with people
27. Wrestling with poop beasts ad peeing in the garden
Creating a magnificent jungle with your urine
An exploration of pooping contraptions
making poop jerky and saving it for later
Feeding poop beasts, killing them, and building stuff out of their bones
28. the solutions to colony collapse disorder are embarrassingly simple
29. Destroy your orchard to make a food forest
30. A building design that solves almost everything
Setting our design criteria extremely high
We can do better than straw bale designs
We can do better than cob designs
The dirty secret of "Sustainable" building
The joy and heartbreak of earthships
Prevent wildfires by building a home
From junk to genius with one simple design change
A freaky-cheap home that doesn't look freaky-cheap
Using the heat from summer to heat your home during the winter
The strict definition of "wofati"
A modification for a year-round freezer
31. Natural swimming pools
How do I build one? Gimmie! Gimmie now!
32. Hey! you know what would be cool?