Foreword / Bettina Aptheker --
Introduction / Angela P. Harris and Carmen G. González --
Part I: General campus climate. Introduction / Brenda J. Allen ; Facing down the spooks / Angela Mae Kupenda ; Waking up to privilege : intersectionality and opportunity / Stephanie A. Shields ; A prostitute, a servant, and a customer-service representative : a Latina in academia / Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo ; Black/Out : the white face of multiculturalism and the violence of the Canadian Academic Imperial Project / Delia D. Douglas ; They forgot Mammy had a brain / Sherrée Wilson ; Present and unequal : a third-wave approach to voice parallel experiences in managing oppression and bias in the academy / Kimberly R. Moffitt, Heather E. Harris, and Diane A. Forbes Berthoud ; Navigating the academic terrain : the racial and gender politics of elusive belonging / Linda Trinh Võ --
Part II: Faculty/student relationships. Introduction / John F. Davidio ; Visibly invisible : the burden of race and gender for female students of color striving for an academic career in the sciences / Deirdre M. Bowen ; Stepping in and stepping out : examining the way anticipatory career socialization impacts identity negotiation of African American women in academia / Cerise L. Glenn ; Silence of the lambs / Angela Onwuachi-Willig ; On being special / Serena Easton ; Are student teaching evaluations holding back women and minorities? The perils of "doing" gender and race in the classroom / Sylvia R. Lazos ; Notes toward racial and gender justice ally practice in legal academia / Dean Spade ; Where's the violence? The promise and perils of teaching women of color studies? / Grace Chang --
Part III: Networks of allies. Introduction / Nancy Cantor ; Working across racial lines in a not-so-post-racial world / Margalynne J. Armstrong and Stephanie M. Wildman ; Native women maintaining their culture in the white academy / Michelle M. Jacob ; Dis/jointed appointments : solidarity amidst inequity, tokenism, and marginalization / Michelle A. Holling, May C. Fu, and Roe Bubar ; What's love got to do with it? : life teachings from multiracial feminism / Kari Lerum ; Sharing our gifts / Beth A. Boyd --
Part IV: Social class in academia. Introduction / Samuel H. Smith ; Igualadas / Francisca de la Riva-Holly ; The Port Hueneme of my mind : the geography of working-class consciousness in one academic career / Constance G. Anthony ; On community in the midst of hierarchy (and hierarchy in the midst of community) / Ruth Gordon --
Part V: Tenure and promotion. Introduction / Deena J. González ; The making of a token : a case study of stereotype threat, stigma, racism, and tokenism in academe / Yolanda Flores Niemann ; Lessons from a portrait : keep calm and carry on / Andrien Katherine Wing ; "No hay mal que por bien no venga" : a journey to healing as a Latina, lesbian law professor / Elvia R. Arriola ; La lucha : Latinas surviving political science / Jessica Lavariega Monforti ; Free at last! : no more performance anxieties in the academy 'cause Stepin Fetchit has left the building / Mary-Antoinette Smith ; African American women in the academy : quelling the myth of presumed incompetence / Sherri L. Wallace, Sharon E. Moore, Linda L. Wilson, and Brenda G. Hart ; The experiences of an academic "misfit" / Kelly Ervin ; Lessons from the experiences of women of color working in academia / Yolanda Flores Niemann --
Afterword / Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs.