The Emperor and the Endless Palace

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Harlequin Audio, 2024.
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9h 52m 48s

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Grouped Work IDe185e8e6-e78f-bd03-b5df-cc613557c6aa-eng
Full titleemperor and the endless palace
Authorhuang justinian
Grouping Categorybook
Last Update2024-11-07 10:30:42AM
Last Indexed2024-11-08 05:31:24AM

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Image Sourcehoopla
First LoadedAug 12, 2024
Last UsedNov 7, 2024

Hoopla Extract Information

stdClass Object
    [year] => 2024
    [artist] => Justinian Huang
    [fiction] => 1
    [coverImageUrl] =>
    [titleId] => 15979996
    [isbn] => 9781488229923
    [abridged] => 
    [language] => ENGLISH
    [profanity] => 
    [title] => The Emperor and the Endless Palace
    [demo] => 
    [segments] => Array

    [duration] => 9h 52m 48s
    [children] => 
    [artists] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Justinian Huang
                    [artistFormal] => Huang, Justinian
                    [relationship] => AUTHOR

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Dylan J. Locke
                    [artistFormal] => Locke, Dylan J.
                    [relationship] => READER

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Will Dao
                    [artistFormal] => Dao, Will
                    [relationship] => READER

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [name] => Telly Leung
                    [artistFormal] => Leung, Telly
                    [relationship] => READER


    [genres] => Array
            [0] => Romance

    [price] => 2.99
    [id] => 15979996
    [edited] => 
    [kind] => AUDIOBOOK
    [active] => 1
    [upc] => 
    [synopsis] => "What if I told you that the feeling we call love is actually the feeling of metaphysical recognition, when your soul remembers someone from a previous life?"

In the year 4 BCE, an ambitious courtier is called upon to seduce the young emperor-but quickly discovers they are both ruled by blood, sex, and intrigue.

In 1740, a lonely innkeeper agrees to help a mysterious visitor procure a rare medicine, only to unleash an otherworldly terror instead.

And in present-day Los Angeles, a college student meets a beautiful stranger and cannot shake the feeling they've met before.

Across these seemingly unrelated timelines woven together only by the twists and turns of fate, two men are reborn, lifetime after lifetime. Within the treacherous walls of an ancient palace and the boundless forests of the Asian wilderness to the heart-pounding cement floors of underground rave scenes, our lovers are inexplicably drawn to each other, constantly tested by the worlds around them.

As their many lives intertwine, they begin to realize the power of their undying love-a power that transcends time itself...but one that might consume them both.

An unpredictable roller coaster of a debut novel, “The Emperor and the Endless Palace” is a genre-bending romantic thriller that challenges everything we think we know about true love.
    [url] =>
    [pa] => 
    [publisher] => Harlequin Audio
    [purchaseModel] => INSTANT