How to reverse and prevent type 2 diabetes: the quick start guide
How type 2 diabetes became and epidemic
The differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Part 2: Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance
Diabesity: the calorie deception
The role of insulin in energy storage
Insulin resistance: the overflow phenomenon
Part 3: Sugar and the rise of type 2 diabetes
Diabetes, a disease of dual defects
The fructose-insulin resistance connection
The metabolic syndrome connection
Part 4: How not to treat type 2 diabetes
Insulin: not the answer for type 2 diabetes
Oral hypoglycemics: not the answer
Low calorie diets and exercise: not the answer
Part 5: How to effectively treat Type 2 diabetes
Lessons from bariatric surgery
Carbohydrate-reduced diets
Appendix: Two sample week-long meal plans.