Monica Wood
"The incandescent story of a 104-year-old woman and the sweet, strange young boy assigned to help her around the house, a friendship that touches each member of the boy's unmoored family For years, guitarist Quinn Porter has been on the road, chasing gig after gig, largely absent to his twice-ex-wife Belle and their odd, Guinness records-obsessed son. When the boy dies suddenly, Quinn seeks forgiveness for his paternal shortcomings by completing the...
"Violet Powell, a twenty-two-year-old from rural Abbott Falls, Maine, is being released from prison after serving twenty-two months for a drunk-driving crash that killed a local kindergarten teacher. Harriet Larson, a retired English teacher who runs the prison book club, is facing the unsettling prospect of an empty nest. Frank Daigle, a retired machinist, hasn't yet come to grips with the complications of his marriage to the woman Violet killed....
A gripping and compassionate tale of family and faith, whispers and accusations, and the deeply hidden truths we're compelled to uncover.
After surviving a near-fatal accident, thirty-year-old Lizzy Mitchell faces a long road to recovery. She remembers little about the days she spent in and out of consciousness, save for one thing: She saw her beloved deceased uncle, Father Mike, the man who raised her in the rectory of his Maine church until...
The bestselling author of The One-in-a-Million Boy has crafted a story collection that "illuminates the grace in the average and everyday" of a small town (San Francisco Chronicle).
In ten interlinking stories, the town of Abbot Falls reacts as Ernie Whitten, pipefitter, builds a giant ark in his backyard. Ernie was weeks away from a pension-secured retirement when the union went on strike. Now his wife Marie is ill. Struck...
In ten interlinking stories, the town of Abbot Falls reacts as Ernie Whitten, pipefitter, builds a giant ark in his backyard. Ernie was weeks away from a pension-secured retirement when the union went on strike. Now his wife Marie is ill. Struck...
Cecilia has a mom who always tells her no! Any time she wants to have fun, her mom says no! Until one day, Cecilia's mom decides to take her on an adventure. An adventure full of yes and yeses! ¡Cecilia tiene una madre que siempre le dice no! Cada vez que quiere divertirse, su madre dice: ¡No! Hasta que un día, la madre de Cecilia decide llevar a su niña por un viaje imprevisto. ¡Un viaje lleno de sí y síes!