Connor Sullivan
"Perfect for fans of Brad Thor and Vince Flynn, this white-knuckled debut thriller follows a former Army veteran seeking solitude in the Alaskan wilderness after her husband's death--only to find herself a pawn in a deadly game with Russia. After her young husband's untimely death, Army veteran Cassie Gale decides to take a few days of solitude in the Alaska wilderness before she starts her new job. But when she fails to show up on her first day and...
Pub. Date
"Set a trap...see who comes. Under the direction of the Special Activities Center in the Operations Directorate of the CIA, over three hundred highly trained agents operate in the darkest shadows of the country's covert wars. Plucked from the highest echelons of America's special mission units, these individuals go through rigorous training by the agency to perfect the arts of assassination, sabotage, infiltration, and guerrilla warfare. According...
Beautifully laid out and presented, this book goes over how one can create an individualistic belief system and mental model which is both grounded in reality, and in the rules of nature and religion. It goes over how one can change his energy level and frequency by changing his belief system and adapting his interactions with himself and others. In addition, it goes over how one can make his mind healthier with the things he does to his body, and...
The USCIS Naturalization Test Book for 2023 and 2024 is a comprehensive study guide designed to aid individuals in successfully passing the United States Naturalization English and Civics Tests. With the exam being particularly challenging, thorough test preparation is essential for success. Our guide offers practice test questions accompanied by detailed answer explanations, tips and strategies to boost test performance, and a complete review of...
FREE printable Flashcards with 100 Civic questions INCLUDED!
Do you feel daunted by the prospect of the US citizenship test, unsure of where to start or how to prepare effectively?
Are you concerned about mastering the English proficiency and Civics topics required for the exam?
Do you envision a smoother path to citizenship, equipped with the knowledge and strategies to succeed?
Embark on a transformative journey towards US citizenship with...
Are you ready to take the next step towards becoming a proud US citizen? Look no further than our comprehensive "US Citizenship Test Study Guide"! Packed with official USCIS questions and answers, this guide is your ultimate companion to ace the naturalization test with confidence.
Do you struggle with understanding crucial documents?
Our guide breaks down essential documents, making them easy to comprehend and ensuring you're fully prepared for...
100 FREE PRINTABLE FLASHCARDS for the USCIS civics test included!
Are you uncertain about what to expect from the US citizenship test and how to prepare effectively?
Do you find the interview process daunting and need guidance on essential documents?
Are you looking to improve your English proficiency and Civics knowledge for the exam?
Embark on your journey to US citizenship with confidence using our "US Citizenship Test Study Guide." This...