Connor Sullivan
"Perfect for fans of Brad Thor and Vince Flynn, this white-knuckled debut thriller follows a former Army veteran seeking solitude in the Alaskan wilderness after her husband's death--only to find herself a pawn in a deadly game with Russia. After her young husband's untimely death, Army veteran Cassie Gale decides to take a few days of solitude in the Alaska wilderness before she starts her new job. But when she fails to show up on her first day and...
Pub. Date
"Set a trap...see who comes. Under the direction of the Special Activities Center in the Operations Directorate of the CIA, over three hundred highly trained agents operate in the darkest shadows of the country's covert wars. Plucked from the highest echelons of America's special mission units, these individuals go through rigorous training by the agency to perfect the arts of assassination, sabotage, infiltration, and guerrilla warfare. According...