Christian Davenport
The historic quest to rekindle the human exploration and colonization of space led by two rivals and their vast fortunes, egos, and visions of space as the next entrepreneurial frontier. The Space Barons is the story of a group of billionaire entrepreneurs who are pouring their fortunes into the epic resurrection of the American space program. Nearly a half-century after Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, these Space Barons-most notably Elon Musk...
J. Wiley & Sons
Pub. Date
A Washington Post reporter follows five courageous National Guard soldiers as they deploy to Iraq, survive combat, and come home to pick up the pieces. The Iraq War radically transformed the typical commitment of many National Guard soldiers around the country into lengthy, grueling tours of duty. Reporter Christian Davenport was embedded with an aviation regiment and witnessed the hardship and heroism of its members firsthand, from their sudden call-up,...